How to define multiple recipients per email?

How to define additional CC, BCC email recipients for evidence

* 12.4.2020 *

An address of a recipient can consist only of an email address, e.g.:
or it can be a combination of recipients name and his email, e.g.: John Doe <>

Additionally his email address type in Edi can be one of the following types:

  1. TO (default)
  2. CC (carbon copy)
  3. BCC (blind carbon copy)

If there is no prefix, the (1) is selected, otherwise a copy will be sent, e.g. CC:John Doe <>

You can define multiple recipients separating them with ; (semicolon), e.g. {Name} <{Email}>;CC:John Doe <>

In the above scenario,

  • first email will be sent to the customer at his Email field value
  • second email will be sent as a carbon copy to
Mail merge to email and set multiple email recipients (CC, BCC)